Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day! (one day late...oops!)

Happy Mother's Day everyone :)  Motherhood is truly a divine role and I am very grateful to be a mother and to have so many amazing mothers in my life (My mom and mom-in-law as well as all my amazing mommy friends!) that truly inspire me! We work hard and it is nice to have a day that reminds us that the things we do aren't overlooked, but are appreciated and important! Hope you all enjoyed your special day :) I know I did!

(The pictures are from our mother's day gift for my mom and mom-in-law, which were made into a little photo collage...I felt very crafty when I came up with the idea all by myself!)


  1. And as the recipient of the collage I felt very blessed. I love it!!!!!!

  2. Very Cute and crafty! I always knew there was a crafty person inside you:)

  3. oh my your kiddos are adorable.

    and what a great gift idea! i may have to copy:)
